Hackathons around Lockdown!

Corona Virus Pandemic brought a lot of uncertainities and surprises in our lives. Be it Lockdown, Quarantine, Stress, Deaths, etc. But somewhere out of all this mess, the period of lockdown gave me a time for self-introspection and also an opportunity to upskill myself. I started learning through online platforms like coursera and youtube on variety of topics related to programming, Machine learning, digital marketing, etc. This was the time when I also worked on connecting with alot of people on LinkedIn from various backgrounds and became part of some interesting communities. Also tried participating in some Hackathons and brainstormed on couple of ideas. Even though we couldn't win further, the experience I got interacting with amazing people around the globe is something I always cherished!

MIT Energy Hack 2020

I was a part of MIT Energy Hack, 2020 and my team participated under the 'NextEra Energy' edition and our problem statement was around the reduction of CO2 emissions and also decreasing carbon footprints.

So, our solution was to come up with a unique algorithm which will work in parallel with Nextera's smart product. This will then result into a power plug + App kind of a product will initially focus on reducing carbon emissions through electricity and provide effective methods to people to be aware about it and work on it.

Our idea is completely visualised through the below ppt

ZS Prize Hackathon

I along with my team named as 'Syndicate' participated for ZS prize hackathon for healthcare section. Our problem statement focused on the issues around Abortion faced in rural India.

So, we proposed that we can come up with a idea of an online platform which would help the Doctors/heathcare providers in rural India to carry out safe abortion practices using technologies like Argumented reality and Artificial Intelligence. This platform will also provide telemedicine based information through qualified doctors to the rural area based medical workers to carry out safe health based practices.

The ppt visualises our idea.

MIT covid-19 challenge #Hack4thefuture

I was a part of MIT covid-19 challenge, and my team 'Uni ID' participated under the track C ie. 'AI and Future of the systems' where our idea focused on building a Unique ID which would help the Banking systems across United States to stay more protected across any cyber attacks or hacks. This UniID is build using a 'Self-sovereign Identification' using Blockchain Technology which includes biometric Authentication using Integrated Device.

Our idea is completely visualised through the below ppt

MIT Hacking Racism in Healthcare 2020

I was a part of MIT hacking Racism in Healthcare hackathon, and my team 'BiasAware' participated under the track D ie. 'Data Bias and Clinical research & trials'. Our Solution focused on building an AI platform which would address underrepresentations of minorities in clinical research. Basically, a chatbot would be \ build that facilitates the doctor-patient communication to resolve barriers at a system, individual, and interpersonal level. The Goal of translating new knowledge into tangible benefits and providing high-quality cancer care(we considered 'cancer clinical trails' context ) for all patients.

Our idea is completely visualised through the below ppt